[quote name=\'gaubster2\' post=\'147390\' date=\'Mar 4 2007, 12:16 AM\']
I'm trying to cover my bases and don't want to encounter any unpleasant surprises. Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated!
My girlfriend and I got into two shows on January 2 & 3. On the first day, a Monday, we had tickets for both tapings and arrived at 5:45 AM. We weren't even close to getting in the first show. We got very lucky and
got in on standby (#50-51) for the 4:30 show. Day Two we thought we were smarter and lined up at 3:30 AM. We made it in on standby again, but with a much lower number (#10-11) so we got in easily. Order of
arrival passes are distributed at 6 AM for all shows that day. I'm sure it will be worse by March but if you're at the Farmer's Daughter, you could just keep an eye on the line the night before and jump in when people start showing up.
Incidentally, we had a GREAT time. We got to be friends with a girl and her mother next to us in line. The
girl ended up not only getting picked but she won the showcase!! So my girlfriend and I decided, hey,
we're her friends so we're going to run up on stage with her during the credits! We asked a page, and she
said it was ok, but a producer stopped us at the top of the steps-- people who want to go on stage have
to be approved in advance and she hadn't mentioned us

But I can say I set foot on the stage at least!