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Author Topic: Combination Lock preview  (Read 18797 times)


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Combination Lock preview
« Reply #75 on: November 05, 2006, 10:58:54 PM »
[quote name=\'MrGameShow\' post=\'137044\' date=\'Nov 5 2006, 10:24 PM\']
Right now he's got a deal going with Sony to hopefully bring Combination Lock to our TVs; this is his JOB. He's got to answer to people that sign his checks - and if the bosses say "Don't say anything about the show", then guess what! He AIN'T SAYIN' JACK if it means that he still has a job to go on Monday morning and more checks to come on Payday. Do you honestly think that people in the industry don't surf around here? They may not post, but be assured that they know about it - and if they saw John say "It was Mr. Game Show who hosted the pilot", then obviously they'll be saying "Guess we'll end our relationship with him since he obviously can't be trusted with sensitive information." Then what is his defense? "But.. but the people on the Invision board were saying mean things and I didn't want them to be mad at me! I *HAD* to tell them!!"
Way to evade again.  Not only do we understand that John couldn't reveal the host's name, but several of us have said so, including one moderator who said it in so many words.

Sure, none of you give a crap about that - all you care about is who did this pilot? No, wait.. you are just pissy because John asked someone not to reveal the information. So why aren't you jumping all over cmjb13 because he's chosen to abide by John's request?
As has been explained in this thread several times, we are not criticizing John for refusing to reveal the name, or Chris for agreeing to John's request.  We're criticizing John for hiding behind Sony's attorneys as an excuse for his request when Chris is under no legal obligation to keep quiet, for taunting us as he's done so many times in the past, and for trying to get us to generate positive buzz for a show without letting us know anything substantive about it.

If it needs to be kept secret, it should have been kept secret, period.  Instead of telling Chris that it was okay to taunt us by letting us know that he went but not telling us anything, it would have been more appropriate for John to ask Chris to simply keep quiet about having seen the pilot clips at all.  None of us would have had a problem with that -- witness how often new details come out about an upcoming show and someone here tells us that he knew but was asked not to say anything.

How about we start going off on the others who come on the board to say "Hey, you were in the mob at '1 vs 100', and you aren't telling us how much the people won before it comes on TV! WE CAN'T WAIT! WE HATE YOU!" *stomp off to your room*
The fact that you keep avoiding -- deliberately, I'm now convinced -- is that they're legally barred from blabbing, they're not out taunting people, and they're not trying to stir up pointless discussion of what might have happened when they themselves know exactly what happened.  In other words, they keep their mouths shut, period.  Had John -- and by extension, Chris -- done that, no one would have had a problem.  They didn't, and as a result they got what anyone should reasonably expect when playing "I know something you don't know" around mature adults: criticism and ridicule.  On top of that, John, via Chris, tried to use the membership of this board for his own purposes without letting the membership know key details of what he was doing.  Said membership didn't like being used in that way and became justifiably ticked off.

Bottom line: if it's secret, it should stay secret, and if you're going to try to dance around that, don't be surprised when someone steps on your toes.


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Combination Lock preview
« Reply #76 on: November 05, 2006, 11:09:04 PM »
[quote name=\'MrGameShow\' post=\'137053\' date=\'Nov 5 2006, 07:53 PM\']
If I recall.. John DID say that it was Sony's call to not say anything.. but that seemed convieniently overlooked.
Not so. I've acknowledged that from the get-go.
I don't blame the guy for wanting to leave when all that's happening is this whining that "the board" isn't privy to the host name.
Please show me where I have whined about that. If anything, I have gone out of my way, and I'll do it for a THIRD time now, to say I DON'T CARE.
But, Mr. Lemon, please feel free to correct me on how much I've "missed the point" - sure we could squeeze a little more sourness out of ya! ;)
Idiotic and unoriginal joke notwithstanding, I'll try once more: John pipes up and says he asked Chris to keep it quiet. Great. Nifty. Then, when asked why, he turns around and says "Nope, can't talk, Sony's lawyers, sorry!" Which might be why HE can't say anything (and, again, I'm fine with that), but have nothing to do with him asking Chris to keep it quiet. And his concerted effort to dodge responding to the question of "why did you ask him to stay quiet, when he's not under any kind of contract with Sony?" is what's getting him flamed.

Yes, we have a couple of chuckleheads who are still trying to squeeze that information out of both parties, and those people should absolutely shut the hell up. This isn't about that.

Clear enough?
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Combination Lock preview
« Reply #77 on: November 05, 2006, 11:26:39 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'137058\' date=\'Nov 6 2006, 12:09 AM\']
Yes, we have a couple of chuckleheads who are still trying to squeeze that information out of both parties, and those people should absolutely shut the hell up. This isn't about that.
Aww, chucklehead?! I resent that! :-P
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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Combination Lock preview
« Reply #78 on: November 05, 2006, 11:54:26 PM »
If I recall.. John DID say that it was Sony's call to not say anything
Nope, you are 100% in error on this point. I checked very, VERY carefully before my first post in this thread:
Has Sony officially instructed you not to divulge information which is now known to an entire WOF audience or are you just jerking the members of this board around?
and this post:
John never said he was under orders from Sony not to leak the identity of the pilot emcee. This leaves us to wonder whether all of this hush-hush cloak-and-dagger mystery was orchestrated by John or if it comes from Sony higher-ups.
and this post:
The question remains (and I pose it rhetorically): Why the big hush-hush treatment on John's part?
John merely made allusions to having to keep the identity "low profile" and never said in specific terms that he was under orders from Sony, which is why I posed the question in my first post.

Goodnight, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 01:36:40 AM by chris319 »