[quote name=\'Jimmy Owen\' post=\'140535\' date=\'Dec 14 2006, 04:24 PM\']
This is just opinion, but the sameness in the court and talk shows works to their advantage. A Fox/CW/My station can block program them for an afternoon. I think the only real customers for new syndicated game shows are CBS affils from 10-11.
I will assume you're talking AM...and in some of those cases, Guiding Light is on in that timeslot. So unless CBS pulls the plug, I think your logic is a little flawed.
[quote name=\'The illustrious Mr. West\']Don't cook tonight, call Chicken Delight.
Don't wash those dishes, don't scrub that pan
Just pick up the phone and call the man.
Oooh, what flavor
You'll love every bite.
Don't cook tonight, call Chicken Delight.
We deliver.... call Chicken Delight.
Dammit, Randy...now I gotta go to West Paterson, because you got me hungry for some Chicken Delight!

(That's the nearest one to me...never tried it, always wanted to.)