"...and is considered a key to the morning show's success."
If you're deluded enough to consider The Early Show a "success", or that a competent but unknown weather reader is "key" to that success, I guess you can delude yourself into thinking just about anybody is a decent game show host.
Simple Q test: Say "Al Roker", and people know who that is. Say "Dave Price" and people don't know who that is. Outside of a little publicity mileage out of the cute name coincidence, this would be a big shoulder-shrug for most folks. Even if he's good (and if he was even good, wouldn't someone have come forward and told us?) this doesn't register as a morning TV story the way the hirings of Meredith Viera and Rosie O'Donnell did.
Also, honestly, if this really was a done deal, I would expect that it would have been leaked at Golden Road or here first. There are people on both forums (especially G-R) who are better connected to TPIR than a beat reporter on the wrong coast.