[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'140828\' date=\'Dec 17 2006, 02:50 PM\']
[quote name=\'Matt Ottinger\' post=\'140822\' date=\'Dec 17 2006, 08:36 AM\']
David, polite as ever, is being a little circumspect, so let me be more blunt. Aaron is one of us. Aaron understands the way Pyramid should be played. Aaron was following orders from the people who were signing his checks, which is a pretty smart way to stay employed.[/quote]
No, I realize this, and I'm probably being over-hard on him. (<Sean Connery> He said "hard on". </SC>) But it saddens me that the game-show climate is such that we can have one of our own on the inside and the result STILL ends up being utter crap.
It is sad, but not surprising when you consider what all ends up affecting the "game-show climate" you speak of. Both Aaron Solomon and Mandel Ilagan were frequent contributors back in the "good-ole(?)" days of a.t.g-s (circa 1994-96), and now ten years later they've both had the opportunity to put their stamp on a variety of shows that have made it to air over the last half a dozen years or so. (I'd include my name with theirs as well, but my work with the shows has been much more tangential than theirs.) Some of the shows were successful, while others were not; some were critically acclaimed, while others were critically panned.
No matter what, however, they made as best of an effort as they could under whatever circumstances they had to deal with on each show. Their sensibilities for the genre come from their appreciation, admiration, and understanding of what has gone before. Now, having been involved behind the scenes for a while, they're also very aware of what the modern genre is like, but as aficionados (aka "one of us") they will always take what's in the best interest of the game and the production to heart, despite whatever other influences might be to the contrary.