[quote name=\'tpirfan28\' post=\'140941\' date=\'Dec 18 2006, 10:55 PM\']
[quote name=\'chris319\' post=\'140937\' date=\'Dec 18 2006, 09:32 PM\']
"Streaks" is a novel concept for a Q & A game conceived by Brian Hamburg and Jade Mills which I helped develop. We last made a demo tape of it in 1998. It's available.
Well...if you want to sell it now...be prepared for four questions.
1) Can the average person win at least a six-figure payout?
2) Will there be any sex appeal?
3) Can we make radical tweaks to the gameplay X number of shows in?
4) Do you wave to us the right to cancel the show at any point, for any reason?
You forgot a few:
5) Can you make enough episodes within the next week and a half so if we need to use your show to plug a hole in our schedule...nae, *5* holes in our schedule during an average calendar week with one episode being 2-hours in length???
6) Do you mind if we use copious scenes of *the* most surprising moment(s) of the episode for a week leading up to the episode so people don't really have to watch the episode at all???
7) Will you add celebrities at any time to help the contes,...ah, screw it!!! Will you just make it an all celebrity show with B- and C-listers who'll make a mockery of the show and play by their own rules???

Will you accommodate for dizzying multiple camera angles and specific lighting sequences that could add up to 8 hours of production time for each 60-minute show???
9) Will you also make sure there is a minimum of 35 relevant people on the stage at all times -- whether they are contestants, models, hosts, family members, or a combination thereof???
10) Will you have all your contestants bring and/or wear some sort of goofy prop and/or item that makes them look like they are auditioning for "Let's Make A Deal"...
without a costume???
11) When going into or coming out of a commercial break, can we zoom out through one of the letters of your logo, show your logo for a few seconds, and then zoom through another letter of your logo???