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Author Topic: Illinois Game Shows  (Read 1757 times)


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Illinois Game Shows
« on: December 24, 2006, 12:00:08 AM »
Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday breaks, however short or long they might be...:).

Anyway, I received an interesting e-mail tonight, and, unfortunately, I cannot help the sender out; I wanted to see if any of you can/are willing to:

The e-mail was a request for any Illinois game shows, especially recent ones.  He listed IIR, $100,000 Fortune Hunt, and Illinois' Luckiest among his most wanted, in that order, but requested some lesser-known ones as well like Know Your Heritage.  If this was just some run-of-the-mill trading request, I wouldn't post it here, but he wants to trade for a specific reason:  he wants to donate the episodes to the Museum of Broadcast Communications in Chicago, which I think is a very worthy cause.  However, as I don't have any of the episodes of the shows in my possession, I can't help him out.

So, my question to you is:  would you be willing to help this person out?  If so, send me an e-mail, and I'll forward you the information.



P.S.  The MBC now has an episode of IIR available online according to the sender; however, I could not find it...should you have better luck, please let me know!  :)
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Illinois Game Shows
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2006, 12:37:21 AM »
They do have an episode online of Illinois Instant Riches, as well as an episode of Know Your Heritage.  Search their archives by title...I found them both pretty easily.
By the way, has your contact checked with them about the donation?  It might be a good idea to do so if he hasn't already.  Until they move into their new digs next year, they may not be accepting a lot of donations.

Jimmy Owen

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Illinois Game Shows
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2006, 03:35:41 AM »
Wouldn't a call from the MBC to the lottery commission, Jon Goodson or WGN for master tapes yield better results than 2nd generation VHS dubs?
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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Illinois Game Shows
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2006, 06:37:01 AM »
Admirable enough to me, becuase it's almost EXACTLY why I got into game show trading....

It was back in 1986, when this little teenager went for the first time to the museum of Television and Radio in NYC.....spent two hours watching rare game shows that I had remembered vaguely from my toddler years....Knockout, To Say the Least, a Chuck Wheel, and some that I had only read about, like Jeopardy with Art Fleming....

When I got home, I started taping game shows....just one episode of each that I could get, a general episode...the reason? Years down the line, I was going to make a 'donation' to the museum, and figured, hey, just who in their right mind tapes game shows to save?

Those 3 tapes I saved from the mid to late 80s, have turned into 2000 episodes. Many of you have in your collections those very shows I have on first gen tapes...still got em....

So what I think this kid is doing is great. I personally think he's doing it for the right reasons...


- "May all of your consequences be happy ones!"

Don Howard

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Illinois Game Shows
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2006, 10:10:09 AM »
[quote name=\'tomobrien\' post=\'141359\' date=\'Dec 24 2006, 12:37 AM\']
They do have........an episode of Know Your Heritage.  [/quote]
Ah, Floyd Brown at his very best!
That should've been your 1989 WOF daytime host.