Hi everyone,
I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday breaks, however short or long they might be...

Anyway, I received an interesting e-mail tonight, and, unfortunately, I cannot help the sender out; I wanted to see if any of you can/are willing to:
The e-mail was a request for any Illinois game shows, especially recent ones. He listed IIR, $100,000 Fortune Hunt, and Illinois' Luckiest among his most wanted, in that order, but requested some lesser-known ones as well like Know Your Heritage. If this was just some run-of-the-mill trading request, I wouldn't post it here, but he wants to trade for a specific reason: he wants to donate the episodes to the Museum of Broadcast Communications in Chicago, which I think is a very worthy cause. However, as I don't have any of the episodes of the shows in my possession, I can't help him out.
So, my question to you is: would you be willing to help this person out? If so, send me an e-mail, and I'll forward you the information.
P.S. The MBC now has an episode of IIR available online according to the sender; however, I could not find it...should you have better luck, please let me know!