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Author Topic: Detroit Millionaire Tryout Report  (Read 1799 times)


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Detroit Millionaire Tryout Report
« on: September 12, 2003, 05:26:20 PM »
Despite minimal publicity, there was a contestant search held in the Detroit Area for WWTBAM.  Unlike prior tryouts I've attended, which were held in hotel conference rooms, this one was held in an archery range of an outdoor sports store.  I really wish I was making that part up.

Anyway, when entering 90 minutes before the start time, the man at the door told me that they already had 100 people, and the remainder would be picked by random drawing, and I was given a ticket.  Of course, the man at the door was also very wrong, as the ticket was merely to determine order.  Ticket #78 got me just in the first group of 80.  Two hours after my test, there will still people lined up outside.

You were given a 30 question test given on scantrons.  In my group, 14 of the 80 \"passed\" the test and were held back for 2 minute interviews.  My hoped for trump card (I currently live in Kevin Olmstead's old house) didn't seem to thrill the producer too much.  Neither did my \"holding\" of an ECW championship belt (I won it in a trivia tournament).  I'm not holding up too much hope of getting on.

The one thing that struck me was that in other contestant searches I've been invloved with (Jeopardy, Weakest Link, Pyramid), it was mostly handled by the production staff of the show, with promo materials and willing to answer questions about the show.  This one was mostly handled by staff of the station with no promo materials.

  • Several people wondering \"who is Meredith Viera?\"
  • People wearing their best T-shirt and jeans combo.  You are trying to impress people, you know.
  • The amount of people there with just three days notice.  There's only been a blurb in the newspaper and a few commercials, yet at least 400 people tried out.

Of course, they just should bring back the phone game.  Unless I get on.  Then this was clearly the better way.

Portions of this post not affecting the outcome have been edited or recreated.


  • Member
  • Posts: 2193
Detroit Millionaire Tryout Report
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2003, 05:22:43 PM »
Several people wondering \"who is Meredith Viera?\"

I guess it shows how many people are watching The View at 11 AM (EST). :-)

Chuck Donegan (The Illustrious \"Chuckie Baby\")