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Author Topic: 'Feud' blocks  (Read 5216 times)


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'Feud' blocks
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2007, 04:58:50 PM »
[quote name=\'Don Howard\' post=\'142279\' date=\'Jan 5 2007, 01:57 PM\']
I've never understood the need to double YAY! or triple YIPPEE! the points anyway.
Why is it all the rounds can't be just for a maximum of 100 points?
Are you serious, or is this sarcasm? Genuinely. Because you have to know the answer to this question.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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'Feud' blocks
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2007, 05:40:50 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'142278\' date=\'Jan 5 2007, 01:57 PM\']The overall effect is merely that a lead isn't as big as someone thinks it is, and a deficit isn't as hard to overcome. And on a game like Feud you should be trying like hell to win every question anyhow, so I'm just not sure who this hurts.[/quote]That's true. A 1250-0 lead is just as meaningful as 750-500 when going into round four on Go. If you think of winning the Feud as winning the last question, then your earlier point of trying to win every question is all the more important. And at that point it doesn't matter if the value is doubled, tripled, or bumped up to 300 points. Just win that last bank, and you'll win the game, and your record of the previous questions is made completely irrelevant, as if they were batting practice.
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'Feud' blocks
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2007, 08:04:08 PM »
[quote name=\'aaron sica\' post=\'142263\' date=\'Jan 5 2007, 02:26 PM\']
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'142261\' date=\'Jan 5 2007, 01:06 PM\']
I always thought the load on that show was Richard Karn. ;)

Brandon, I hope you don't mind.....I took one of your gold stars and gave it to Chris. :)
Be my guest. I actually got to the store this week. :-P
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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'Feud' blocks
« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2007, 08:31:29 PM »
[quote name=\'Mike Tennant\' post=\'142272\' date=\'Jan 5 2007, 04:33 PM\']
[quote name=\'mmb5\' post=\'142270\' date=\'Jan 5 2007, 03:59 PM\']
How is it any different than on Press Your Luck when the fourth question's difficulty was based how many spins were given in the first three questions?  Not disagreeing, just giving another example of monkeying.[/quote]
I can see why some people would be uncomfortable with this, and it even bugs me a little, but technically it's not changing the outcome of the game, just the length of time it takes for that outcome to occur.  It's sort of like the celebrity briefings on The Hollywood Squares.  The celebs can be given the questions and answers if the producers so desire.  It's still up to the contestants to determine whether the celebs' answers are right or wrong, which is what determines the outcome of the game.
It can alter the game, because you may be changing the amount of spins players should have earned.  I've also seen poorly created bluffs affect games on HS.  Again, not trying to be overly picky here, but Feud is not alone in the guilt department.

Portions of this post not affecting the outcome have been edited or recreated.

Jay Temple

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'Feud' blocks
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2007, 12:16:17 PM »
Going back to the FF situation, this is why I thought the 1-1-2-2-3 set-up from 1979-198(?) was ideal:
  • It never felt rushed, even when they went to the triple.
  • Dawson could stretch if a family was about to win in three.
  • If the first two questions were split, by doubling rather than tripling the fourth question, they made sure that the third question wasn't just for show.
Protecting idiots from themselves just leads to more idiots.