Well see...that's the problem with TPiR. You gotta be more selective than with MG, because with MG there was always some sort of antic that would make you laugh, whether it was the question writing, panel antics, etc. Price doesn't have that on a day in-day out basis. True, over the course of 6600+ episodes, there are probably 1500+ milestone/memorable eps, but you gotta hunt for them.
Now the list I made...
[quote name=\'tpirfan28\' post=\'143421\' date=\'Jan 15 2007, 10:18 PM\']
- The first five half-hours
- The trial hour long shows
- Plinko's Premiere
- Yolanda's ep
- Bob's last
was thrown together at a whim, and with what episodes would be good for a compliation like this. True, Barker's fur ban could knock out the first five, the trials, Plinko's premiere, and Yolanda's ep, but Barker could do some sort of PSA about them.
What would be better would be a decade-by-decade sets of shows...one for the 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's, and possibly one for the specials (I know...many wouldn't buy the 90's and 2000's sets on this form). Then they could conciveably knock out more episodes...