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Author Topic: Best/Worst Warmups You've Ever Seen  (Read 8985 times)


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Best/Worst Warmups You've Ever Seen
« Reply #45 on: January 22, 2007, 12:01:44 PM »
When it comes to game show warmups, I've been to enough "J!" road tapings that I think I know Johnny Gilbert's act.  (I also know where "Larry Sanders" got the idea to have Hank Kingsley say "This is exciting, now, isn't it?" right before the show started.)

Most of my other warmup experiences have been non-game show related, but I remember the guy doing "WWTBAM" in 2004 screwing up my name when calling out the people who passed the test and giving me a New Yawk insult when I called him out.  Actually, not a bad guy.

In related, I got to see Marc Summers do a 1979 "Alice" warmup before he became *Marc Summers,* so to speak and liked his job.  I also recall producer Hugh Wilson bringing out Loni Anderson between scenes on "WKRP" and saying the audience "Any questions for Loni?"  When the room went quiet, he said, "That's exactly what she did to me when I first met her."


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Best/Worst Warmups You've Ever Seen
« Reply #46 on: January 22, 2007, 12:10:37 PM »
[quote name=\'colonial\' post=\'144180\' date=\'Jan 22 2007, 10:27 AM\']
Anyone hear of a guy who did warmups for Regis WWTBAM who called himself the *Q Man*?  He was there when I taped that show, and he did all of three things...
3) Had audience members sing TV theme songs.  I remember one audience did a great performance of *Fresh Prince,* but the others were barely passable.    [/quote]
Yeah, he was pretty awful, especially if you had to sit through him for three shows, as I did.  His big shtick was asking audience members where they were from and yelling, 'Brooklyn's in da house!  East Dumptruck, Idaho's in da house!' over and over again.  During his "sing the theme song" game, he got ticked when a couple of us started singing the lyrics to "I Love Lucy," which he insisted didn't exist.


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Best/Worst Warmups You've Ever Seen
« Reply #47 on: January 22, 2007, 12:48:11 PM »
[quote name=\'tomobrien\' post=\'144184\' date=\'Jan 22 2007, 09:10 AM\']
His big shtick was asking audience members where they were from and yelling, 'Brooklyn's in da house!  East Dumptruck, Idaho's in da house!' over and over again.  
I am reminded of this one-off MMA event that I came across on ESPN completely at random late one night, where the "ring announcer" (I use quotes because there wasn't really a ring, it looked like a "stadium" was erected on a soundstage someplace) was some comic that I was supposed to (but didn't) know from a sketch comedy show of some kind. And apparently his idea of adding "flavor" to the event was to bellow "IT'S ONNNNNNN!" after announcing the name of each combatant. Every. Single. Time. The ear bleach, it did nothing.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe