[quote name=\'PYLdude\' post=\'146408\' date=\'Feb 19 2007, 08:48 PM\']
DoorNumberFour has a point...not everybody's gonna go for the opposite inflection right away.
This is like saying "You know, not everyone on Hollywood Squares is going to know to go for the block."
If anyone appearing on any Password game show, celebrity or civilian, doesn't understand what the opposite inflection means, they have no business being there. Period. Hell, when we play Password on Friday nights at Microsoft, we make sure anyone who is playing for the first time completely understands all three major inflections, to the point of giving them a cheat sheet to work from that we keep in the game box.
Sorry, I'm just not going to worry overmuch that that clue didn't pass the DoorNumberFour's Brother Test.