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Author Topic: "The Secret Life of Quiz Shows"  (Read 1530 times)


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"The Secret Life of Quiz Shows"
« on: February 19, 2007, 08:24:28 PM »
Even though most public radio stations already aired "This American Life" over the past weekend, you can podcast subscribe or stream online in MP3 this week's show, which has a quiz show theme in a broad basis.  The focal point of the show is the story of how the Irish version of "WWTBAM" gave a man not just a lot of money, but self-esteem.  The other segments are Bob Harris describing how he prepared for his "J!" appearances, the MIT Mystery Hunt competition, the world's most difficult puzzle competition, and a woman talking about how she thought producing a game show would change the world (a show I've never heard of before, "Clued In," which was one of the early shows on Oxygen).  The streaming and podcast information is at www.this americanlife.org.  Note that you must subscribe to the podcast by this Sunday to get the program--it is only available during the week of broadcast (although once downloaded you can hear at any other time you want).

If you're one of those who find Ira Glass a little too precious, the segment on the "WWTBAM" winner was originally an episode of the RTE Radio 1 Ireland program "Flux" and it's worth listening to.  A link to the original "Flux" program in Real:

« Last Edit: February 19, 2007, 08:35:24 PM by uncamark »


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"The Secret Life of Quiz Shows"
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2007, 10:44:34 PM »
It may be a taste thing, but I thought the WWTBAM segment was incredibly boring.  My highlight was "Planet of the Proto-Simians", a great story on how you can be "too smart for the room" and not realize it.

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