[quote name=\'JVatPSU\' post=\'146901\' date=\'Feb 26 2007, 04:52 AM\']
I can't help but think that Hamilton will try to make the show about him (whether he's conscious of the fact or not), which is the total opposite of the Barker mentality.
What's it like, living in a completely opposite reality than the rest of us?

And I will go on record and say that you, Matt, would be a better candidate than Dave Price. :-)
Dave's crowd work on The Early Show is, for a lack of better words, downright painful.
Gilbert Gottfried would be a better candidate than Dave Price. (Not to take anything away from Matt's significant talents.

(My personal choice? Bergeron. Won't happen though.
I agree, and I have to think at this point in the game, it's by his own choosing. It would truly boggle me if he or his agent didn't at the very least receive a phone call.
/still holding out for Marc Summers