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Author Topic: Where I heard The Celebrity Game theme recently  (Read 1330 times)


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Where I heard The Celebrity Game theme recently
« on: February 27, 2007, 12:58:57 PM »
I was originally going to add this to the thread about the Give-N-Take theme (thanks for posting that--I loved it), but figured it would get buried and no one would see it, but the main opening theme for The Celebrity Game was also used frequently as background music for a few of the "Hunter" cartoons shown as part of the King Leonardo cartoon show currently running on BFC.  A fine example is the episode "Concrete Crook" where it plays at the very start and through the plot setup.  Not quite sure what that means in regard to whether it was a needle drop piece, or how available it may have been to the general public as a recording.
"Disconnect her buzzer...disconnect EVERYONE'S buzzer!"

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Where I heard The Celebrity Game theme recently
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2007, 12:34:33 PM »
[quote name=\'DjohnsonCB\' post=\'147041\' date=\'Feb 27 2007, 11:58 AM\']
I was originally going to add this to the thread about the Give-N-Take theme (thanks for posting that--I loved it), but figured it would get buried and no one would see it, but the main opening theme for The Celebrity Game was also used frequently as background music for a few of the "Hunter" cartoons shown as part of the King Leonardo cartoon show currently running on BFC.  A fine example is the episode "Concrete Crook" where it plays at the very start and through the plot setup.  Not quite sure what that means in regard to whether it was a needle drop piece, or how available it may have been to the general public as a recording.

It was a needle-drop. no doubt.  Anything used in the TTV cartoons other than the one or two variations of the theme was stock library (of which it seemed to me that they used Winston Sharples' library music from the Famous/Paramount shorts every so often).

Everything else on "Celebrity Game" was Arlo Hults on celeste, piano and xylophone and the studio harpist (I don't recall ever hearing an organ on the show).