Other then Lingo, and the Love Connection airings (hay its better then that dog eat-what's it called again-crap), the rest is just..... boy WHY does that Race get another prime time airing. i think GSN thinks that oh well we had it in prime time on the weekdays A WHILE BACK, so we'll give it another chance. NO! That is so WRONG GSN. If people weren't watching it in prime time when it was on before, then why the heck do you think people will watch it now. and I'm sorry, but a Friday airing sucks because people go out on Friday nights. Good luck with that GSN!

I... don't know what to say.... and also bringing back the Weakest link with Anne is BAD because you just had that on prime time a few months ago, and ran though the run 10,000 times. ITS NOT to work. Ok, sorry if i offended anyone in my post, but I'm trying to make GSN think before they make a schedule change. I'm done with this!