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Author Topic: Gil Fates' WML? Book  (Read 3992 times)


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Gil Fates' WML? Book
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2007, 01:17:31 PM »
Thanks for the advice--a lot of suggestions for heading to the library, but the biggest problem is this: I live in a small town.  How small?  When the aforementioned library installed new automatic sliding doors at the entrance, it was (I swear, this is absolutely true) the top story on the front page of the newspaper.  With banner-sized headline.  Needless to say, selection up here ain't that good.  (It's really not *that* bad, but the book isn't in their inventory.)  Every time they have a used book sale, I always look (and whenever I'm in Grand Rapids, I stop in a couple of used book stores there to see if they have a copy), but thus far, no luck.

I've spent a lot on books before, and I'm a big reader, so it's not really that terrible to me to spend a lot on a book.  I did end up finding a copy and buying it for about $90.  My thought is that if I really don't like it or am really disappointed that I spent this much on it, there's obviously enough demand on eBay for me to be able to get back what I paid for it.  (Which I very well might do--I'm much more interested in just reading it than being able to claim I have it in any sort of "collection"...)

As for other things I could spend $120 on...well, this is coming from my tax refund, and I had much bigger and better things to spend my tax refund on.  Much better.  Then the vast majority of the refund disappeared into my car.  (And I don't mean it got lost under the seats...)  So I decided that if I'm not going to get what I wanted with the refund, if most of it is going to go to necessity rather than pleasure, well, dammit, I'm at least going to get something pleasurable out of it...  I'm thinking of this as my consolation prize--I had a shot at the grand prize, but I'm leaving with the Rice-a-Roni...:-)
Ben Scripps. Professional button-pushing monkey.


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Gil Fates' WML? Book
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2007, 02:54:24 PM »
Sometimes libraries do inter-library loans, meaning that if you find a copy at another library, they would loan it to your library. I would definitely ask your local librarian about this option.

I'd rather spend a fraction of the cost to get a copy from the local library and, if it's in decent shape, claimed to have "lost" the book and just pay the $20-25 fine (again, just a hypothetical situation -- I do not condone this practice).
Definitely not cool. You might be depriving another game show fan of reading the book. Borrow it, read it and take it back. Check it out again if you want to read it again.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2007, 03:01:57 PM by chris319 »


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Gil Fates' WML? Book
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2007, 12:02:33 AM »
[quote name=\'bscripps\' post=\'146790\' date=\'Feb 23 2007, 11:56 PM\']
Delurking for a moment...

I got an e-mail from eBay telling me that there's a copy of the Gil Fates "What's My Line?" book up for auction this week.  [color=\"#FF0000\"]The price quickly jumped over $120,[/color] and considering I've got somewhere I can get a copy for less than that, I obviously skipped it.

But my question is this, for those of you who own it or have read it: beyond any collectible value, beyond anything else...is it worth the cost? I'm not necessarily asking if it's "hundred bucks good"; rather, is the actual read worth the premium?  Is it a good book?

Wow. 120.00$ Good grief.

I bought a copy of my WML book 2+ years ago from Amazon Marketplace.  And I regret that I didn't buy 3 or 4 of them for the price I found at 12.95$ + 3.49 S/H total: 16.44$ That is ALL I paid for the hardcover copy. And it is in relatively good condition. Wonderful pics. I have seen the book go on eBay for over
100.00$, easily. And it goes quickly too.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 12:10:39 AM by MyCapableAssistant »