[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'147468\' date=\'Mar 5 2007, 01:15 PM\']
So, slightly related: Last night I was at the grocery, and in the checkout line I got into a conversation with the girls in front of me about
House, since the good doctor was on the cover of one of the magazines; I think it was TV Guide. The checker had never seen it, and we were extolling the virtues of the show to her.
The girls get checked out and go on their way, and I move up to the checkstand, and the checker shrugs and says "I like Deal Or No Deal, but sometimes I just can't watch it; some of those contestants just drive me UP THE WALL. They JUST WON'T SHUT UP."
So I was satisfied knowing that the idiots they cast on that show don't just piss off the hardcore fans; they piss off the average viewers too.

And just what it'll be like if the syndicated version is set up like the British and Australian versions, with future contestants replacing the models--22 to 26 annoying people! Oh, joy!