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Author Topic: Supporters needed for Sun/Mon Identity L.A. taping.  (Read 1270 times)


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Supporters needed for Sun/Mon Identity L.A. taping.
« on: March 07, 2007, 08:57:05 PM »
Hi everyone,

I recently applied to be a contestant for Identity. Per the contestant coordinator there is a small but real chance I may be called in the next few days to tape an appearance Sunday and/or Monday at the studio in Los Angeles. (3/11 and/or 3/12.) I'm guessing it depends on how the tapings go that are happening this week up until tomorrow. They can't tell in advance how many contestants they are going to need.  

I am looking for three supporters to be on stage with me who feel they could be helpful with the game play and who could be there with little notice. Ideally people living in L.A. would be best, as I am more likely to be chosen if the show doesn't have to pay travel and accommodations for my supporters. But I am open to anyone who is interested, as they may still be willing to pay for someone who lives in New York or wherever.

For those that may be interested but didn't see Identity, or just want to learn more about it, all the needed info is here at these two links: http://www.nbc.com/Identity/ , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_%28game_show%29 . And here is the online game: http://www.nbc.com/Identity/game/game.shtml. There is a 20 minute clip available of the first Identity show here: http://www.tv.com/identity/show/66648/videos.html Plus there is a download of one of the full shows here: http://torrentreactor.net/view.php?id=703845 . (If you know how to use torrents.)

The people on my personal list of family/friends supporters are unfortunately busy on the taping days of Sunday and Monday, so that's why I am posting here. Please email me if you are interested.

Thanks! :->