[quote name=\'JRaygor\' post=\'147941\' date=\'Mar 13 2007, 03:02 AM\']
You are disgusting.
Thank you! Coming from you that means so much.

Why do you hate us so much?
Believe me, chief, to "hate" would require far more of an emotional investment that I can be bothered to make over something so trivial as this. But, just for you, I'll recap the thread:
Tim: "Ooooh, Merv's gonna be on Ferguson. He's TOTALLY gonna talk about Crosswords!
Me: "There is no way in nine blue hells he's gonna talk about Crosswords."
Toddyo: "Yay! I can't wait to hear him talk about Crosswords!"
I realize that just because I say it doesn't make it so, but still, forgive me if I'm gonna roll my eyes a little bit. So I'm gonna Tivo the show because I'm interested in seeing if I got it right, and even more interested to see, if I _am_ right, if people come back here the next day saying "WAAAAH! Why didn't he talk about Crosswords!"
And if I'm wrong, well, I'll be happy to bone up on new preparations of crow. But I'm suspecting I won't be wrong.