The new British comedy "Starter for Ten," currently making the arthouse circuit here, is more than germane to us, since it's the story of a nerdy guy trying to prove his worth and a quiz bowl romance amongst a team going on "University Challenge," the UK "College Bowl," back in the 80s. ("Starter for 10" from Bamber Gasgcione or Jeremy Paxman is the same as "10-point tossup" from Allen Ludden or Robert Earle.) has an 89% "Fresh" rating (although the "Cream of the Crop" rating is 79%, most notably Richard Roeper on "Ebert & Roeper")--the consensus is that it's sort of a British version of a John Hughes movie from the 80s, complete with a British New Wave song score in the background: movie's official site:
http://www.starterfor10.comHaven't seen it yet, but intend to. Those of you wanting inside game show stuff will probably be disappointed, but it sounds like a cute movie. The only possible problem I may have is that Alice Eve and Rebecca Hall may be much hawter than any female quiz bowl contestants ever in the history of mankind, but, hey--it's our fantasy.