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Price is Right/ Announcer Salaries

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[quote name=\'Matt Ottinger\' date=\'Jun 18 2003, 09:27 AM\']
.  The rates are lower for half-hour shows, of course, and lower still if the announcer has ten lines or less.

Does that mean that the Pyramid announcer gets paid more if the secret six is won?

--- Quote ---he costs CBS a fortune with that extra taping day which I estimate costs somewhere in the upper six figures per year
--- End quote ---

Pardon my ignorance, but what extra taping day?

[quote name=\'tvrandywest\' date=\'Jun 22 2003, 08:54 AM\'] Goodson was a most complex man. [/quote]
 I've found this is a polite way of calling someone an a**hole. :)

[quote name=\'tommycharles\' date=\'Jun 22 2003, 11:46 AM\']

--- Quote ---he costs CBS a fortune with that extra taping day which I estimate costs somewhere in the upper six figures per year
Pardon my ignorance, but what extra taping day?
--- End quote ---

Corrections appreciated, but I believe that \"TPIR\" used to tape six shows over three days, two shows a day, Monday through Wednesday, as a normal taping schedule.  Now it's either four or five shows over four days, Monday through Thursday (with only one two-show day some weeks).  This makes it more difficult for CBS to get three shows in a week out of 33 (\"Dennis Miller Live\" at least was an easy show to set up and strike).  Now, on weeks where \"H2\" is taping, they only get two shows.  Considering that \"Y&R\" and \"B&B\" permanently tie up two studios and Kilborn seems to be the only show in his studio, \"TPIR\"'s four-day schedule seems to minimize TV City's capabilities to maximize production.

The afternoon taping on Monday was added because Barker wanted to slow down and didn't want to do 2 shows per day for 3 days. It's been that way since about 1998. They still get a full week's worth of shows.

H2 occassionally still does Friday-Sunday tapings. I've been there on a Friday taping. They actually had to switch warm-up guys half way through as Bob (dont' know last name) does the warmup for the Tonight show as well as H2(and is bad at both, IMO).

The Price set is struck immediately after the Thursday taping (you should see how fast the crew gets out of there) regardless if there are any upcoming tapings on that stage. They obviously have to strike it if something like H2 is taping. They also strike it because (something I just recently found out) the floors have to be cleaned. (although it didn't look very dirty to me).


--- Quote ---The rates are lower for half-hour shows, of course, and lower still if the announcer has ten lines or less.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Does that mean that the Pyramid announcer gets paid more if the secret six is won?
--- End quote ---

Yea, by necessity, the AFTRA code is a long, complicated series of documents (like my posts  ;-) ... and this discussion is only about announcers (not hosts, models, stunt pilots, singers, dancers, commentators, sportscasters, puppeteers, etc.), and only about televison programs (not radio programs or commercials, TV commercials, promos, educational video, infomercials, music videos, sound recordings/CDs, home video, in-store video, etc.)!

Performers only have the protections and compensation minimums because of the courageous efforts of many past SAG and AFTRA members who put their careers on the line for their fellow performers when talent was being unfairly exploited. Did you know that the dancers in many movie musicals of the 1930s worked 18 hour days and danced until they dropped from exhaustion or the blood in their shoes leaked and ruined a take? The unions have a wonderful history that includes many great stories about people like Frank Nelson (The \"Yeeeeessssss, Mrs. Ricardo\" / Freddy Filmore character actor from \"I Love Lucy\") who was instrumental in the creation of the entire concept of \"residuals\" for when re-runs create a new stream of money for the owners of past performances.

To your Pyramid question...

As discussed before, \"scale\" is the minimum payment for a union show. Indeed, IF the announcer on a show (such as Pyramid) were paid the bare minimum, AND many episodes featured less than 10 lines (a \"line\" is generally a sentence, but in flowing prose in generally interpretted to equal 10 words), AND an entire calendar week of shows were taped on a single day, the gig would be far less rewarding than anyone would imagine. And yes, in this hypothetical case, episodes in which the announcer has over 10 lines would be compensated at a higher rate.
Actual salaries and the terms of individual deals vary widely, and may bear little resemblence to minimum (scale) compensation. Your mileage may vary, use as directed, pre-cooked weight, batteries not included, member FDIC, void where prohibited, portions of the program not affecting the outcome of the game have been edited for broadcast, in the course of briefings actual questions may be discerned by the celebrities, subject to availabilty, close cover before striking.    ;-)



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