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Author Topic: AG Marathon  (Read 1472 times)


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AG Marathon
« on: May 07, 2007, 07:41:06 PM »
Just found this out...  AG is doing another marathon (hopefully, some more newer shows than last time...) this Sunday May 13th at 1 PM ET.

Set your Tivo...

Charles Atkins

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AG Marathon
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2007, 09:39:30 PM »
[quote name=\'catkins522\' post=\'151704\' date=\'May 7 2007, 07:41 PM\']
Just found this out...  AG is doing another marathon (hopefully, some more newer shows than last time...) this Sunday May 13th at 1 PM ET.

Set your Tivo...

Charles Atkins

Wouldn't be surprised to see newer ones in this marathon...I would think, though, if they go in order you'd probably see some season two eps in this marathon, if anything.

(Just a programming note to add...season two should kick off on Friday, by my calculation.)
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Sonic Whammy

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AG Marathon
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2007, 11:13:31 PM »
Indeed it did. Season one is over, and now that they've got it down, season two will really start to shine.

But on the note of the season one stuff, has anyone else been burning the episodes? Because I missed out on an episode or two from the 2nd half prelims because my cable decided to be crappy every time they aired. Finally got the cable fixed today, but it's too late for those eps now.

Anyone that can help, you know where to find me.

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Brian Sapinski

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AG Marathon
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2007, 11:22:15 PM »
Now that I know others besides me are watching AG (he he), I wanted to see if you guys noticed something that I did (or at least believe I did):

On Thursday's repeat, they showed the second half finals from season 1, and then skipped the Grand Championship episode and went right into season 2 yesterday.  Did I just completely miss the Grand Championship episode, or was it indeed skipped?

I'm interested in seeing what'll be on the marathon tomorrow...due to the skipped episode, I thought it might be a bunch of championship finals, perhaps?

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AG Marathon
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2007, 11:53:55 PM »
[quote name=\'beatlefreak84\' post=\'152174\' date=\'May 12 2007, 10:22 PM\'] On Thursday's repeat, they showed the second half finals from season 1, and then skipped the Grand Championship episode and went right into season 2 yesterday.  Did I just completely miss the Grand Championship episode, or was it indeed skipped?
If you had watched Wednesday, you would have understood the problem.  They switched the order between second half finals and grand championship.

(Hey, with PVR, I can watch an episode in under 30 minutes.)
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AG Marathon
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2007, 12:26:04 AM »
If you had watched Wednesday, you would have understood the problem. They switched the order between second half finals and grand championship.

Ah; that would indeed explain it...Thank you!  I'm upset that I missed it, but that's okay; we're in season 2 now, which gets us closer to the third season (my favorite)...:)

Plus, that's what the weekend reruns are for...:)

You have da Arm-ee and da Leg-ee!

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