While in Toys R Us earlier today, I saw a "Scratch & Play" version of DOND, from Tara Toys. No, not the "scratch & play" book! This mini-game, selling for $3.99, I found near party supplies. It contains six cards to play with. One side looks like a briefcase, with the show's logo on it, the other side has a grid of 12 briefcases, a "prize table," (showing all amounts available), and instructions. It looks like a shortened game, with no bank offers involved. Just reveal amounts in cases as you "scratch," the coating off the card, and the last case not scratched is what your final prize is.
Tara Toys also makes lots of other party games/activity products, like mini-Etch-a-Sketch toys, mini-Uno card games, and also mini activity booklets based on AYSTAFG, with lots of questions similar to the show.