[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'193797\' date=\'Aug 11 2008, 11:31 AM\'][quote name=\'MikeK\' post=\'193791\' date=\'Aug 11 2008, 04:20 AM\']Astute Price fans know that $999 shows up frequently as a Clock Game price. It's hardly moronic.[/quote]
If the electronic version tops out at $999, then I'm going to suggest (nay, fervently hope, for the sake of the mean IQ of the electronic gaming industry) that $999 shows up as a price significantly less frequently in the electronic game than it does on the actual television show.[/quote]
I've played Clock Game once on my tabletop game. In that one playing, I had a $999 price. Thus, at that rate, every Clock Game should have a $999 price. :-)
Since the photos of the items came directly from the show (different pricing game backdrops and props can be seen, like the Shopping Spree price tag on a loop or the Punch-a-Bunch backdrop), surely the prices came from there as well.