[quote name=\'Marc412\' post=\'202853\' date=\'Dec 3 2008, 07:25 PM\']
[quote name=\'Sodboy13\' post=\'202765\' date=\'Dec 3 2008, 11:21 AM\']
[quote name=\'weaklink75\' post=\'202537\' date=\'Nov 29 2008, 05:24 PM\']
Picked up Million Dollar Password ar Target for $19.99- and it was a "Only at Target" special edition- it has more cards (20 extra themed frontgame rounds). The timer is pretty neat- it plays the countdown music while the clock is going.
The timer is also really freaking loud - like, shout-your-clues loud - and since there's no volume control, I think I'm going to have to scope out a piece of acoustic foam or something to put over the speaker. Still, overall, a very nice package with quite good execution, and the addition of the theme/category front game cards can be a good way to level the playing field if kids are playing. Endless has put out some quality product as of late.
Oh, and it's on sale at Target for $17.99.
Either it's sold out or the Target near me doesn't carry it. It's not on their website either. Ditto for Wal-Mart and Toys 'R' Us. Ah, well. Guess I'll have to go out to B&N and pay a few bucks more, or wait 'til after Christmas to see if I can get it for less.
(The passwords are "delayed" and "gratification".)
Just scored the new MDP game myself today.
I must admit to taking great pleasure in the breaking apart of the game cards. It reminded me of my younger days of breaking up the game cards to older games back in the day.
Now let's see 'em do a
Password Plus or a Deluxe
Card Sharks game like this.