Ludia always seems to be about two years behind on their set designs, and sometimes rule changes.
Two years? I don't think that it's that drastic (maybe Price), but I get what you mean.
Both games look good- glad they finally added avatar support. It would be great if Family Feud would have online play that allowed gamers to join teams in a lobby (like multiplayer FPS games), but considering that source material will eventually run out and breed cheaters, it may not be that feasible. That, and that I have come to expect underwhelming games from Ludia.
On a similar but different note, I ran a DOS simulator to play some old Sharedata/Softie games the other day, and three things stuck out at me:
1: The excuses for the computer not playing the bonus round still bring a smile to my face, and
2: The music from the Champions screen [dun dun dun da-da-da-da dun dun dun....] is now stuck in my head.
3. Ludia still pales in comparison as far as game quality.