[quote name=\'TLEberle\' post=\'153142\' date=\'May 23 2007, 12:32 AM\']
[quote name=\'Allstar87\' post=\'153110\' date=\'May 22 2007, 03:56 PM\'][quote name=\'Seth Thrasher\' post=\'153063\' date=\'May 22 2007, 01:48 PM\']Of course really, if you want to critically analyze it, how much difference
was there between any two given Legends episodes.[/quote]
In the first season, Kirk actually had a reason for being there.

[/quote]From what I saw, he did give whoever ran the Teleprompter extra practice by flubbing his lines left and right. (Not much of a reason, but we have to make do) Our audience wanted to give the guy a small cheer whenever he managed to get through one reading without a goof. I don't think he could have ad-libbed anything more than about fifteen seconds of extra time.
And this was the first set of episodes taped, mind you. So it's not like he ever improved, even. He was That Bad from Day One. They would have done better to have the warm-up guy swap jobs.
Warmup guy was probably fat and had a humongous beard. No one like that will ever front a Nickelodeon show, unless it's Tom Kenny's pirate character who does the "SpongeBob" marathons or whatever.
No Linda Ellerbee jokes, please.

(And yes, it's a cheap shot--her "Nick News" shows are the best stuff on the channel these days. Just that when there's a cheap shot to be taken...)