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Author Topic: Tryout tips  (Read 4786 times)


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Tryout tips
« on: June 07, 2007, 08:26:56 PM »
I will be attending the wheelmobile event in Pittsburgh's Station Square this Sunday.  I know to get an interview you name must be picked from the drawing, but for those for have been to these tryouts, what are the tryouts like?  Also, do you any tips if you are picked?

Also, are there any forum members attending this tryout?
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Tryout tips
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2007, 10:34:36 PM »
I attended a tryout for the second time Wheel came to Seattle, in 2002, I think. From what I recall, five people were pulled from the magic box, and the "host" (imagine your standard morning drive time radio guy, and you're 9/10ths there) spins a wheel. Wherever that wheel lands is what the winner of that round will win: mostly Wheel of Fortune swag.

Five people play a speed-up round of the game, and the puzzles generally have a local flavor to them. I am going to guess that ultimately solving the puzzle is less important than calling proper letters and being a "proper" contestant.

But, of course, you're bucking odds of probably 1,000 to one that you'll even be called. If you really want to get on the show, I think it's a better idea to make a Wheel audition part of a roadtrip to California and trying out there.
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Steve McClellan

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« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2007, 11:22:56 PM »
[quote name=\'TLEberle\' post=\'154604\' date=\'Jun 7 2007, 07:34 PM\']Five people play a speed-up round of the game, and the puzzles generally have a local flavor to them. I am going to guess that ultimately solving the puzzle is less important than calling proper letters and being a "proper" contestant.[/quote]
You will guess correctly, sir.
But, of course, you're bucking odds of probably 1,000 to one that you'll even be called.
As I recall, they call 75 people per day, and I'd guess that 1500 people in attendance would be a reasonable estimate, which would make it about a 1-in-20 shot.
If you really want to get on the show, I think it's a better idea to make a Wheel audition part of a roadtrip to California and trying out there.
Except, I don't even think they're doing regular SoCal auditions anymore.

Anyway, the basic rundown is as follows:
-Before each "show" (1:00, 2:30, and 4:00), you'll line up and fill out a small form (same one each time, but a different color), which goes into their drum.
-Forms are drawn at random, five at a time, and those people go up on stage. The host interviews them (think a Match Game-style "your life story in eight seconds" thing), then they play a speed-up round, collect their stuff (everyone gets something), and return to the crowd.

-As with any contestant search, "spies" from the show could be anywhere. Be on your best game show contestant behavior at all times.
-Even if you don't get called up on stage, you may receive an e-mail inviting you to a final audition anyway (this is what happened to me). They don't explain how they select those additional people, so if you can do something to make yourself stand out in a good way, and they have some way of identifying you from looking at your form, that could help your chances of getting an invite to the final audition.
-If you do get up on stage, you do of course need to display proper energy, voice, and familiarity with the game.
-And for FSM's sake, prepare interesting things about yourself, both to write on your form, and to talk about when the host interviews you.

Good luck!

The eighth-biggest winner of Wheel's 24th syndicated season ;)
« Last Edit: June 07, 2007, 11:25:58 PM by Steve McClellan »

Joe Mello

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« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2007, 11:25:07 PM »
I'd ask pacdude.  I remember there his testimonial was somewhere, but I forget where.

I would've attended this tryout had Pitt still been in session.  Curse you, 4-month vacation!
« Last Edit: June 07, 2007, 11:25:21 PM by Joe Mello »
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« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2007, 12:20:52 AM »
-Even if you don't get called up on stage, you may receive an e-mail inviting you to a final audition anyway (this is what happened to me). They don't explain how they select those additional people, so if you can do something to make yourself stand out in a good way, and they have some way of identifying you from looking at your form, that could help your chances of getting an invite to the final audition.

I actually got picked to audition in this way as well, and I never even went to a Wheelmobile event!  (I was told that my name was selected via an online application I filled out).  However, almost everyone at my audition (about 75) were picked via the Wheelmobile event in Chicago, so I felt extremely lucky at my (pun intended) fortune!

Other than that, uh, what McClellan said.  I could tell awfully quickly who had never been to a game show audition before because they stopped cheering, clapping, and getting excited when others were taking their turns at the game.  All of them didn't stick around...:).

Oh, and, should you get on the show, stick with your gut instinct and don't second-guess yourself (that's what ultimately cost me my game)...;)

Best of luck!

Anthony (guaranteed not even close to a top winner of Wheel's 23rd syndicated season!)
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« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2007, 07:36:03 AM »
To add to what the others have said:

*Make sure you speak clearly and are heard.  That being said don't year - as I tell my theatre kids, PROJECT your voice.
*Play the game efficiently.  Know what letters you want to pick, don't hem and haw when it's your turn.
*Come prepared with something that will catch their eye regarding their personality.

I can't really say much else because my audition was due to the fact that my postcard was pulled amongst 50,000 others - this was before the Wheelmobile was wheeling around.

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« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2007, 01:50:05 PM »
Thanks for all the advice.  Just one more question, are most of the people at these events dressed casually?  Does it matter to the contestant coordinators if you wear a dress shirt and khakis?
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« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2007, 02:52:52 PM »
My bet would be to present yourself as if you were going to be on the show.  That way, the coordinators are going to know exactly how you will translate on the tube.

/projecting myself to be the 58th biggest winner of WoF's 34th syndicated season
When you're at the grocery game and you hear the beep, think of all the fun you could have at "Crazy Rachel's Checkout Counter!"

Steve McClellan

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« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2007, 04:10:52 PM »
[quote name=\'rebelwrest\' post=\'154672\' date=\'Jun 8 2007, 10:50 AM\'] Thanks for all the advice.  Just one more question, are most of the people at these events dressed casually?  Does it matter to the contestant coordinators if you wear a dress shirt and khakis?[/quote]
As I recall, *most* people dress casually (e.g., T-shirt and jeans). I'd dress better than that, but going so far as a suit and tie (which is what they recommend for men on the show), just seems like overkill to me. I wore a dress shirt, neck open, and dress slacks. You should be fine somewhere in that neighborhood.


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« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2007, 04:34:51 PM »
[quote name=\'rebelwrest\' post=\'154672\' date=\'Jun 8 2007, 01:50 PM\']
Thanks for all the advice.  Just one more question, are most of the people at these events dressed casually?  Does it matter to the contestant coordinators if you wear a dress shirt and khakis?

I was selected for the final audition from being selected to go onstage. That day I was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. For the final audition I wore khakis and a bright dress shirt. The advice above is sound, listen to it. Be yourself but lift it up a notch. Enthusiasim and paying attention are critical as well.

I was picked for the show from a combination of personality and game play. Remember, the contestant coordinators are always looking at you, smile!

Tim :-)