[quote name=\'SRIV94\' post=\'155244\' date=\'Jun 15 2007, 01:59 PM\']
[quote name=\'geno57\' post=\'155243\' date=\'Jun 15 2007, 03:54 PM\']
Y'know who else I think would do a great job? Have never heard his name mentioned in connection with any game ... but he does real well on everything he tries ...
Bob Costas.
He wouldn't take the pay cut. Not to mention he'd have to give up that grueling 45 day per year work schedule.

I haven't heard Greg Kinnear's name mentioned in all of this.
What I don't understand about the TPIR emcee auditions is this. When auditioning an emcee, you don't start out by doing a "special taping" with full facilities in studio 33 in front of 300 people. You build a mockup of the Money Game, Grocery Game, Clock Game, whatever, in the office. Send your prospective emcee a script one week prior and bring him into the office for an afternoon. Spend a couple of hours walking him through it, then bring in 30 or so staffers and CBS brass while he plays One Bid and a couple of stage games. You will then know whether that person is worth pursuing further.
Fremantle needs to get into "cattle call" mode.