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Author Topic: TTTT from 1973  (Read 2172 times)


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TTTT from 1973
« on: August 19, 2003, 09:04:51 AM »
I have been contacted by someone looking for a TTTT episode from 1973.  Can anyone help in the quest to get this episode - here is the e-mail

I am searching for an episode of To Tell the Truth.  My dad, who is 83, was
a contestant and I would love to find a copy that I can give to him as a
present.  He has never actually seen the episode.  The episode is #1735.
It was filmed on October 30, 1973 and aired the week of 11/19/73.  Would
you by any chance have a copy?  If not, any ideas where I might look.  I
have been searching for quite some time and am running out of ideas.
The \"real\" guy was a writer named Hal Burton who wrote a book about the
Morro Castle, a ship that sank off of New Jersey on its way from Cuba.


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TTTT from 1973
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2003, 04:35:57 PM »
Thanks to all who have tried to help thus far.  Unfortuneatly, I have had no luck tracking htis down - hoping I luck out at some point!
