[quote name=\'kenbob_clarker\' post=\'155153\' date=\'Jun 14 2007, 12:05 PM\']
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'155149\' date=\'Jun 14 2007, 10:44 AM\']
And if he gave that some consideration and made the decision he did to stand behind it anyhow with the knowledge that it might give off a negative vibe to some people, then my goal was met.[/quote]
Persecution is nothing new to me. It's a fact of life for any Christian who isn't afraid of his faith.
I was about to point out that "freedom from religion" doesn't mean freedom from exposure to anything religious. Now, apparently, I need to point out that being told that your comments make certain people uncomfortable does not amount to "persecution."
At this point, I should disclose that — having been the target of violence in the past due to nothing more than the fact that I'm Jewish — my antenna goes up whenever I see a comment about religion on this board. But in the grand scheme of things, I don't care if you worship G-d, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, the spirit of your great-great-grandmother, Mother Nature, Bob Barker, a head of lettuce, or nothing at all; as long as you respect the rights of others to worship, or not, as they see fit, your choice will be respected as well.
Chris's comments were mild; he wasn't telling you to leave, and he wasn't telling me or the other moderators to kick you out. You're among friends... relax, and have fun. That's why we're all here. :-)