Just returned from the Atlantic City auditions for "The Power of 10". Thought I'd pass along what we were told about the format of the show, and what happened.
First, it was a pretty typical interview/audition. Took a small test, with 5 different polling questions. (Look at the trailer on CBS.com for a typical question..I don't want to spoil them). From there, a quick interview with a casting director, and bang. Done. Took maybe 30 minutes.
From the casting directors themselves, here's the format:
Show starts with two contestants facing off, seeing who can come the closest to polling questions. First one to 5 points plays for the money, the other goes home. (It's either first one to 5 points, or best out of five...can't remember.)
Each question has a dollar value, and a range. To win the money, you must answer the question within the given range.
1st question: $1,000 , answer must be within 40% of actual answer
2nd question: $10,000, answer 30% within
3rd question: $100,000, answer 20% within
4th question: $1,000,000, answer 10% within
5th question: $10,000,000,

(Directors said they were unsure of how the final question
would play out.)
As far as helps, contestants will have one person with them (a la DoND, cheering them on) whom they can always ask for help. The audience will be polled, as well, and the contestant can take a look at those figures to help them lean in a certain direction.
That's all I know. Good luck to those of you hitting NYC tomorrow.