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Author Topic: JEOPARDY! 2  (Read 1508 times)


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  • Posts: 97
« on: June 24, 2007, 11:51:16 PM »
Now available from Sony Pictures Games!!!

Jeremy Nelson

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  • Posts: 2968
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2007, 02:31:43 AM »
I got a chance to play it already. I give it a 6/10.

The graphics are not bad, but it's what I expected after playing WoF2. I do like the Clue Of The Day, since I stopped buying Jeopardy calendars 3 years ago. Solo Play is nothing new, but I prefer it to playing against the computer.

Now, we get into gameplay. First off, the gameplay is slow. There's applause after every correct question, so the game comes to a standstill. Secondly, the AI equals that of a baked potato. The computer isn't even all that tough on the Hard setting. They're still slow on the buzzer, even though they may give the correct question 90% of the time. In addition, computer players make no sort of effort to rally when they have a chance. I have $18000, and the nearest computer player has $8200. He hits a Daily Double and wagers $953! However, this pales in comparison to my biggest issue: multiple choice answers. Even if they gave us an option to toggle multiple choice on or off (like the last few Trivial Pursuit games), it would be okay. This becomes a glaring flaw in the game when you have a category where A is in quotation marks, and there's only one choice that starts with A.

To sum it up, they dumbed down Jeopardy. If you still have a working copy of Hasbro's 1st edition of J!, or any of the past 3 games for that matter, don't waste your $20.
Fun Fact To Make You Feel Old: Syndicated Jeopeardy has allowed champs to play until they lose longer than they've retired them after five days.