[quote name=\'JohnHolder\' post=\'157054\' date=\'Jul 9 2007, 08:58 PM\']
I don't know if this is true, but I've read that a few years ago, they briefly --
very briefly, like for only one or two episodes -- upped the $5000 space to $10,000. Whatever happened on those shows apparently made them decide they couldn't afford to keep it, so they went back to $5K.
You are correct John, and in my post, this is what I was originally referring to.
It happened about 8 years ago, if I remember correctly, and lasted at most a week, maybe not even that long. In round 3, the TDV became $5k, and in round 4, the $10k prize was switched to its other side (ala no bankrupts surrounding) and put in place of the $5k space. No other wheel changes were made, so yes, that meant that in round 4, the 2nd TDV was still 900. I can't confirm if Pat ever landed on $10k on the final spin, as I never saw such an episode, but I do remember the $10k TDV Round 4, and my inital reaction being along the lines of a WOAHOMGWOWYAH!!!!!!
This was quickly scrapped, no clue why, but I'd have to bet the producers were experimenting with the idea for a few days to make some assessments, possibly to make it a make it a permanent change the next season. Obviously, it never came to fruition. Instead, we get 3 tossups per episode, and a 2500, 3500, 3500, 5000 setup...
As for my half 250 half 500 vowel cost idea, I must be giving the American public too much credit then, if the consensus is that Joe Schmo couldn't keep up. YIKES!

[quote name=\'Modor\' post=\'157077\' date=\'Jul 10 2007, 02:30 AM\']
What if you took Don's idea and allowed contestants to "charge" their total bank? If they're in the negatives when the puzzle is solved, deduct in from their total.
Then what would be the point of solving at such a point? A person (and knowing the DoND and greedy type contestants on GS these days, they would follow THIS logic) might as well keep spinning, b/c there's no point in solving a puzzle if they're gonna lose money, they might as well not solve it, and earn 0 as opposed to losing $1500, i.e. The argument of doing it so other contestants can't gain ground is also wrong, because one losing $1500 in a round would be equivalent to an opponent gaining $1500 in the same round, if they're only "AS" lucky as you are, with their spins.
Again though, the current Wheel is okay at this point with me. It's not like it was in 1993, but if they were to get rid of the first toss-up, and bring back returning champions or the Friday Finals format, that would make me more than happy. With J! incorporating the no-limit rule, the arrival of two daily GS's in syndication in the fall with returning champs (Temptation and Crosswords), this would be a perfect time for Wheel to do it. Joe Schmo WOULD notice that change, it wouldn't cost Sony a dime more (maybe less=less contestant searches needed), and the quality of gameplay would likely increase, all which none of us are opposed to...