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Author Topic: Camouflage  (Read 14976 times)


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« Reply #30 on: July 05, 2007, 03:02:24 PM »
[quote name=\'Sodboy13\' post=\'156729\' date=\'Jul 5 2007, 11:10 AM\']
Just a thought here, and feel free to tear me to shreds on it, if necessary:
This is at least marginally more interesting than what's there now. I would REALLY like to see a mechanic in addition to "here's a puzzle. buzz in when you know it. lather. rinse. repeat." Changing up the scoring (and I think your scoring system for the speed round is broken, but I can't put my finger on why, it's just my gut) doesn't quite fix it for me.

But it's better.
And, at the risk of having Mr. Lesko appear on my doorstep, I think playing for dollars instead of points should be considered.
As long as a winning score is sub-, say, $1500, you will never hear me complain about this. I think it screams "cheap!" when a game show pastes on a point system that could easily translate into dollars with a modicum of a hit to the prize budget. and it's obvious that the only reason it ISN'T dollars is because Points Are Free.

(Make it sub-$1000 and I have no problem sending the other players home with the cash in front of them, either. This one single hack fixes the ONLY problem I ever had with Go.)
« Last Edit: July 05, 2007, 03:02:39 PM by clemon79 »
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #31 on: July 05, 2007, 03:14:33 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'156732\' date=\'Jul 5 2007, 02:02 PM\']
I would REALLY like to see a mechanic in addition to "here's a puzzle. buzz in when you know it. lather. rinse. repeat."

I was thinking about a possible two-player Round 3 that involves taking turns either picking out the correct or deceptive letters in the puzzle, but I can't quite wrap my head around the finer details of how it would operate.
"Speed: it made Sandra Bullock a household name, and costs me over ten thousand a week."

--Shawn Micallef, Talkin' 'bout Your Generation


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« Reply #32 on: July 05, 2007, 03:27:32 PM »
My thoughts :

The format : There's a good idea for a game in here. But not this. This format is all wrong, tedious and repetitive. I expected more.

Roger Lodge: There's a good host in him somewhere. But not this. He's all wrong for this, tedious and repetitive. I expected more.

Camoflauge is certainly mindless enough, and the play-along factor is there, but after one round I was bored.

There is the thought (and I know that Michi-Matt and I have agreed on this before) that GSN could do REALLY well comissioning cheap to produce daily word/trivia games like Camoflauge, and end up painting a good chunk of their schedule with them.  I wish they'd do more of these and less of Starface/Poker/Quiznation.


- "May all of your consequences be happy ones!"

Joe Mello

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« Reply #33 on: July 05, 2007, 05:00:07 PM »
[quote name=\'tvwxman\' post=\'156736\' date=\'Jul 5 2007, 03:27 PM\']
[There's a great game show in here somewhere, but not this. It's all wrong, tedious and repetitive. I expected more.]
I wish they'd do more of these and less of Starface/Poker/Quiznation.[/quote]
So you're saying you don't like the show, but you want to see more?
This signature is currently under construction.


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« Reply #34 on: July 05, 2007, 05:10:38 PM »
[quote name=\'Joe Mello\' post=\'156742\' date=\'Jul 5 2007, 05:00 PM\']
[quote name=\'tvwxman\' post=\'156736\' date=\'Jul 5 2007, 03:27 PM\']
[There's a great game show in here somewhere, but not this. It's all wrong, tedious and repetitive. I expected more.]
I wish they'd do more of these and less of Starface/Poker/Quiznation.[/quote]
So you're saying you don't like the show, but you want to see more?
I think you seriously missed his point.

From my interpretation*, Camouflage has great potential, it's just not being used here. I think Michi-Matt would like to see more shows similar to Camouflage, and not Starface or Quiznation. And honestly, I agree, I like a game show that makes you think, but I'd also like to see it executed well. From the reviews I've read here (have yet to see the show), it sounds like a good show that just needs a little more game.

*In no way do I speak for Connecti-Matt, Michi-Matt, Matt Damon, Don Mattingly, or anyone of a similar name. The same applies to members of this or any other Internet forum.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2007, 05:14:30 PM by fostergray82 »
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."

Jimmy Owen

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« Reply #35 on: July 05, 2007, 05:23:32 PM »
The only person I would allow to speak for me is Johnny Olson.
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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« Reply #36 on: July 05, 2007, 07:54:49 PM »
Roger Lodge: beyond improved from ESPN Trivial Pursuit.


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« Reply #37 on: July 05, 2007, 09:30:28 PM »
[quote name=\'fostergray82\' post=\'156743\' date=\'Jul 5 2007, 05:10 PM\']
*In no way do I speak for Connecti-Matt, Michi-Matt, Matt Damon, Don Mattingly, or anyone of a similar name. The same applies to members of this or any other Internet forum.
Since you got 'it' and Mello didn't get 'it', you may speak for me whenever you'd like.

Mello, otoh, shouldn't even speak near me, let alone for me.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2007, 09:30:43 PM by tvwxman »


- "May all of your consequences be happy ones!"

Jeremy Nelson

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« Reply #38 on: July 06, 2007, 04:40:20 AM »
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like they are playing a never-ending variant of Speedword. If I could change the game, I'd execute a Caesar's Challenge-type format. Answer a question correctly, and 2 or 3 "excess" letters are removed from the puzzle (more in subsequent rounds).

Roger Lodge is alright, but he always sounds bored. Somebody take this man off decaf and give him some of the real stuff. Either way, I enjoy the show.
Fun Fact To Make You Feel Old: Syndicated Jeopeardy has allowed champs to play until they lose longer than they've retired them after five days.


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« Reply #39 on: July 06, 2007, 01:45:52 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'156701\' date=\'Jul 5 2007, 10:41 AM\']
I'd agree with you if the gameplay wasn't so freakin' mundane. Look at something like Wordplay: relatively simple concept made watchable through the inclusion of the gameboard and an interesting endgame. This feels like they came up with the mechanic and said "Okay, we're done now." It's strong, granted, but not THAT strong.

My thoughts, too. Wordplay also had the humor of the celebrities. I like Dylan's Chain Reaction better than this, just because the game isn't so flat. It's screwed up, but at least Davies knew he should punch it up a little. Indeed, Camouflage reminds me of one of Bob Stewart's more half-hearted attempts, except then the contestants would be teamed with Anita Gillette and Soupy Sales.

I'd imagine the clever clues thing will be done better by Merv in the fall.

The Pyramids

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« Reply #40 on: July 08, 2007, 11:51:13 AM »
There's something about the games diffaculty that kept me comming back for more last week. I would have prefered to see Bob Goen at the podium over Lodge however.


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« Reply #41 on: July 10, 2007, 01:24:17 AM »
Well, watched this for the first time today.

Not a whole lot new to add, most of our thoughts are the same as posted. First round, difficult, but enjoyed it. Second round, "oh, it's the same game but longer". Third round "Gee, could use a little more variety here". Bonus round... "Oh, more of the same". Sheesh.

They really need to break that up, have the other rounds and bonus games be of the same principle, respecting the game premise, but different enough to be interesting.

I liked the host, but the wife immediately pointed out the needless explaining "base ball... a sport, played on a field, both by children and professionals".

Doubt we'll watch more of it. Definitely below Chain Reaction in my mind.


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« Reply #42 on: July 12, 2007, 03:34:20 AM »
Roger Lodge = Captain Obvious.

/whatever happened to Tom Campbell

Matt Ottinger

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« Reply #43 on: July 12, 2007, 11:21:19 PM »
[quote name=\'davemackey\' post=\'157359\' date=\'Jul 12 2007, 03:34 AM\']
Roger Lodge = Captain Obvious.[/quote]
Hey, he could host MY show!  It's there in my sig!
This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.

Clay Zambo

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« Reply #44 on: July 13, 2007, 08:54:46 AM »
[quote name=\'Matt Ottinger\' post=\'157396\' date=\'Jul 12 2007, 11:21 PM\']
Hey, he could host MY show!  It's there in my sig!

You'd let somebody else have the gig?  What, are you too busy with QuizBusters?