[quote name=\'MyronMMeyer\' post=\'156563\' date=\'Jul 2 2007, 08:41 PM\']
Totally agree with your headline. Can't wait for July 9 when us plebes get it.
Man, when even the scourge of society, the wad of chewing gum stuck to the bottom of the world's shoes or similar like me can watch goodies on ON DEMAND, just about ANYONE can...

And while it pains me tremendously to speak positively about Comcast, I sure wish they were still in control of our cable in Dallas...they offered much more content via ON DEMAND than Time-Warner does...T-W is slowly catching up but they're still miles apart. On the other hand, once Time-Warner took control, they finally started making their DVRs into something more than, pardon the expression, a retarded 80s-era VCR at best. The T-W DVR is now frighteningly close to working as well as TIVO. As soon as they give us dual-tuner capabilities, I'll be quite satisfied.
However, the bottom line is that if cable internet access wasn't so damned fast and generally trouble-free, I'd dump cable forever and go back to a dish in a heartbeat!