[quote name=\'tvrandywest\' post=\'157523\' date=\'Jul 15 2007, 01:07 PM\']
[quote name=\'whewfan\' post=\'157512\' date=\'Jul 15 2007, 02:24 AM\']
I believe TPIR had a 99 year old guy play Switcheroo with modified rules (the 30 second clock was not used, and Bob placed the blocks where he wanted them) Bob said the clock was "not working", but I think he just didn't want to suggest they were bending the rules because this guy was 99 and would have difficulty placing the 5 blocks in 30 seconds.
[/quote]Yea, I believe that was one of the TPiR episodes I announced, although I forgot if the player was 95 or 98 or 99. Whichever, he made Barker look young! Bob abd Roger handled the situation perfectly to maintain the player's dignity by making believe the clock was broken (it wasn't) and having Bob place the blocks. Classy.
Randy, is it true that on a show where they're going to play a physically-oriented game (like Race Game or Bonkers), they delay calling elderly/disabled contestants down to CR until afterwards? I've read that elsewhere.