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Author Topic: Canada: "Inside The Box" season 2 now airing on CH  (Read 1418 times)


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Canada: "Inside The Box" season 2 now airing on CH
« on: August 08, 2007, 12:09:55 AM »
For those with access to Canadian TV, the second season of "Inside The Box" is now airing in a somewhat unexpected place ... the nationwide CH mini-network (Hamilton, Victoria, Montreal, Red Deer) of broadcast stations, not the TVtropolis cable channel that showed the first season.

(CH and TVtropolis are both owned by CanWest.)

The set has been upgraded, and the on-screen graphics are considerably more meaty and easier to read.  The game play appears to be unchanged.

Over on the CanWest networks' message board, there's a discussion in which contestants on season 2 who taped their shows several months ago say they were never told their shows would air on CH, and wondering when they're going to get their money.


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Canada: "Inside The Box" season 2 now airing on CH
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2007, 12:36:50 AM »
[quote name=\'Kniwt\' post=\'159941\' date=\'Aug 8 2007, 12:09 AM\']
For those with access to Canadian TV, the second season of "Inside The Box" is now airing in a somewhat unexpected place ... the nationwide CH mini-network (Hamilton, Victoria, Montreal, Red Deer) of broadcast stations, not the TVtropolis cable channel that showed the first season.
That does seem odd, especially since the CH stations are rebranding as E! in a few weeks and most of their schedule will be taken up with entertainment and celebrity shows.  Why throw a game show, of all things, in there, and why now?  Maybe what's on TVTropolis for the summer is working and what was on CH wasn't?


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Canada: "Inside The Box" season 2 now airing on CH
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2007, 12:49:17 AM »
I would imagine they're just using it as filler, although I'm really surprised they're showing the new episodes and not the old ones.  They've been running since early July IIRC.

A slight change in gameplay this year: every four shows there is a winner's match between the three previous days' winners, from that a season ending tourney of champs will be held.  No idea what the format is but it will be happening - auditioners for season two were told to make sure they had a specific day cleared if they to tape the tourney eps if they made it that far.

They're recycling material from season one, albeit possibly with different questioning.

(who knows they're recycling because someone got the Desperate Housewives puzzle I got in season one)