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Author Topic: GSN Scheduling: Pros and Cons  (Read 23675 times)


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GSN Scheduling: Pros and Cons
« Reply #45 on: September 26, 2003, 10:55:46 PM »
Being around so many people as I am at college, I usually am given the chance to bring up game shows with people, and one of the first thing I always ask them about is \"Have you ever heard of the Game Show Network?\"

Most of the time, here's my response:

\"They made such a thing?  Wow; who knew?\"

Only once have I ever gotten, \"Yeah; man, I LOVE that channel!\"  Scary thing is (and, before anybody flames me for this, yes, I am quite aware that I am on a concentrated college campus and not many people have the time to watch TV; the ones who study, anyway) that, as much coverage in homes as GSN gets, there are many, MANY people that don't know they even exist.

Sometimes, I am also asked about the shows on GSN, and the same comment always comes up:

\"Why don't they show 'The Price is Right?'\"

The fact is that the general public has never even heard of our gems like Blockbusters, Bullseye, or even TTD and TJW (I should say, most of the 18-34 demo, anyway).  More so, we are probably the only people who keep the dish on 309 (or digital cable on 161) for more than 10 minutes at a time anyway.

While I am just as upset that the classics are becoming a dying breed here, I also realize that money needs to be made here and, if this is the way to do it, then so be it.  Let them try the video game block.  Let them try the \"Debating Game\" special.  Let them try the model on \"Lingo.\"  Moreover (and I'm going to kick myself for saying this), let them take off PYL in favor of more exposure to originals.

One thing about networks nowadays:  if something doesn't seem to stick, it's gone in a hurry.  Some of these are big gambles for GSN, and, if they don't take off, we'll probably see a quick return to the current schedule.

Just two things more and then I'll shut up:

In response to a comment made earlier, there still ARE some people who think \"WinTuition\" is a new GSN original (!).  Let's face it; nobody tracks episodes like we do (at least, the normal viewers, anyway), so it's understandable that this fallacy could exist.  Don't consider this a bad thing, however, if it garners more ratings for the network.  I don't think it's bloody likely, but we'll see!  There's gotta be SOME reason why it's still on the schedule.

Finally, from what people have been telling me, I think GSN's BEST programming move in terms of the classics would be to put on \"The Price is Right.\"  That's it.  That's all my mom liked to watch on there, and it's the most familiar game show to everybody I know.  While it may not be in GSN's best interests right now, it should be one of their top priorities if they are leaning toward improving their classics collection.

Well, I guess that's it from me.  A month away from this board certainly does give you a lot to say!

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