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Author Topic: 1vs100 DVD Game Review  (Read 1282 times)


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1vs100 DVD Game Review
« on: July 28, 2007, 07:29:43 AM »
So I'm browsing through Target, and I happen to stop by their board games, to see the 1vs100 DVD game. Picked it up ($20), and since I had a party to go to last night, thought it would be perfect for some play testing.

First, I was surprised to see there was no instructions included in the game, just cards for the Home Mob (more on that later). So I popped in the DVD, and then found that Saget explains 100% of the game on the DVD itself. So after a quick rundown of the rules, we we're off.

Total, there we're 7 of us. Now it would seem that 1vs100 wouldn't work well for such a large group. However, Mattel was smart to include a Home Mob, where the contestant (one player) play against the people at home, and the "Studio Mob". When you are playing multiplayer, you can choose on your "helps", to get helps from the Studio Mob, or the Home Mob. Nice touch, and keeps the group interaction alive.

Questions are not actually read by Saget. Instead, they are drawn by the Subtitles feature of the DVD player. We played a handful of times (about 15), and didn't get any repeat questions, so the bank of questions if fairly large. However, the questions are a mixed bag. One player had very easy questions, and actually eliminated all of the Studio Mob by the $6,000 question. However, the Home Mob took him out later in the game.

All of the video was shot in the studio, and there's a fairly large amount of variety in the various tosses and prompts that Saget does. Vague, general recordings (with horrible actors) are added for "Ask the Mob", and there are plenty of shots of the audience and the mob for the other clips. Mob elimination is done just like on the show, and seems to feature a different number of people getting eliminated over different games.

Overall, it's a good DVD game, with plenty of play value. There's very little lost in the translation, but what's there is done just like the TV show, and that's all that matters.

Recommendation: Buy.
-Hastin :)

Bob Zager

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1vs100 DVD Game Review
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2007, 01:07:46 PM »
I also bought a copy of it, but was pretty frustrated when I knew the right answer, moved the cursor to the right one, but when Bob Saget finished talking about the helps available, the picture froze for a fraction of a second (which is natural), but as I hit the "enter" button on my remote at that moment, the cursor moved to the "A," block, causing the wrong answer to be entered.

I thought I had a problem with my remote, but--at least on my DVD machine--it will do it every time the video footage freezes for that small fraction.

Other than that, I really enjoyed the game, and also recommend it!

BTW, I also saw that Target's price for the 1 VS. 100 electronic tabletop game, dropped to $29.99!