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Author Topic: New titles at The Price is Right  (Read 1497 times)


  • Executive Producer
  • Posts: 1948
New titles at The Price is Right
« on: August 16, 2007, 03:37:39 PM »
As the audience left the studio following the second taping yesterday, they recorded the credits (to be inserted in post-production). And when the end of the show goes to split-screen in the upcoming season, you'll be seeing some different titles.

First, as has already been posted, you'll see the credit for Executive Producer Syd Vinnedge. That will be followed by the Producer credit for Roger Dobkowitz.

Then, after Roger's credit, there will be a new credit: Co-Producers. I'm pleased to be able to announce that the co-producers of The Price is Right are, in alphabetical order: Stan Blits, Kathy Greco, and Sue MacIntyre.

Although I've only worked with them for a short time, I've seen all of the work they each put into the show, and I'm really happy to see them receive this new title.

Scott Robinson