[quote name=\'SRIV94\' post=\'161114\' date=\'Aug 18 2007, 11:54 AM\']
To me, SS jumped the shark when they made the conscious effort to be more pre-school and less adult. Sonia Manzano (Maria) once said around the time of their 30th anniversary (rough paraphrase), "The writers were told: 'Not only make a show that your kids would want to watch, but make a show that you would want to watch.'" Once they stopped doing that (I didn't need a 20-minute segment with Elmo every day), that's when I completely lost interest.
My 4-year-old son doesn't even *like* Elmo, so once that starts the channel gets changed. But he got a kick out of the old segments on Youtube featuring Mr. Bentley from the Jeffersons making "a mustard 3", or the guy dropping all the pies down the stairs. Those are timeless.
Yesterday I shared with him the classic Bert and Ernie where Bert was trying to watch the "Wonderful World of Pigeons" and the TV set simply kept repeating "H...H...H..." until Ernie pulled out the hat, hamburger, hamster et al. Now he's running around saying "H...H...H...". Well done CTW!