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Author Topic: Influx of "smart" GS on Aussie TV  (Read 2160 times)


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Influx of "smart" GS on Aussie TV
« on: August 23, 2007, 10:42:36 PM »
There seems to be a reinsurgence in the number of shows showcasing "smartness" on TV here in Australia recently. Last week - there was a special "Young Einstein Factor" - which saw three 12-14 year old show up a number of otherwise intelligent, former quiz show people. Tomorrow - a spelling show called "HotSpell" will premiere on our multicultural channel SBS. And in the near future - the two US formats "Are You Smarter than A Fifth Grader" and "Singing Bee" will make their local debuts.

Here is an article featuring these shows:

"Battle of the Brains" - "The Age", Melbourne (23 Aug 2007)

Are we witnessing a global trend towards promoting "intelligence" on the small screen?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 10:44:05 PM by pownster »
Chris Powney

Australian Game Show Home Page


Chelsea Thrasher

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Influx of "smart" GS on Aussie TV
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2007, 10:54:00 PM »
If the Australian version of 5th grader is anything like the States' version is, then it's a bit of a regression if anything.  Lots of overdramatic hype with only mild to moderate amounts of actual gameplay.  If you prefer steak to sizzle, a show like that will give the fast-forward feature on your VCR/DVD Rec/DVR a hardy workout.  

And Singing Bee...no, being able to sing the chorus of Like a Virgin on national TV doesn't indicate a "promoting of intelligence."


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Influx of "smart" GS on Aussie TV
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2007, 06:25:21 AM »
Are you smarter than a 10 year old is going to stink up SKY Ones schedule from September on here in the UK, daytime hosted by a cheap clone of Ant and Dec and prime time hosted by Noel Edmonds.

I don't mind the format, ive been watching it on Dubai One which I can receive here on my dish.

But daytime and prime time is over kill.

Now im going totally OTT: Surprising what you will see on Dubai based TV, from MY Network TV Novels, to movies like Babel straight to free TV, to game-shows to ABC's The View.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2007, 07:02:17 AM by remlap »


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Influx of "smart" GS on Aussie TV
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2007, 12:57:00 PM »
[quote name=\'pownster\' post=\'161835\' date=\'Aug 23 2007, 09:42 PM\']
There seems to be a reinsurgence in the number of shows showcasing "smartness" on TV here in Australia recently. Last week - there was a special "Young Einstein Factor" - which saw three 12-14 year old show up a number of otherwise intelligent, former quiz show people. Tomorrow - a spelling show called "HotSpell" will premiere on our multicultural channel SBS. And in the near future - the two US formats "Are You Smarter than A Fifth Grader" and "Singing Bee" will make their local debuts.

Here is an article featuring these shows:

"Battle of the Brains" - "The Age", Melbourne (23 Aug 2007)

Are we witnessing a global trend towards promoting "intelligence" on the small screen?

The Age is grasping at straws.  "...5th Grader?" is more laugh-at-the-moron than it is promoting intelligence.

From our British friends:  Was "HotSpell" a UK format, or am I getting it mixed up with something else?

And has SBS (which is government-owned, but commercial) ever done a game show before?


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Influx of "smart" GS on Aussie TV
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2007, 02:33:09 PM »
[quote name=\'remlap\' post=\'161864\' date=\'Aug 24 2007, 05:25 AM\']
Are you smarter than a 10 year old is going to stink up SKY Ones schedule from September on here in the UK, daytime hosted by a cheap clone of Ant and Dec and prime time hosted by Noel Edmonds.

But daytime and prime time is over kill.

What I've heard that Sky One (digital satellite channel) is to air the daytime and primetime versions sepearatly. The current plan is to air ten (from twenty) primetime episodes from October with a £250K jackpot, Sundays at 7pm. Then the daytime version will take over Monday to Friday at 5.30pm. The daytime version will be hosted by Dick & Dom (CBBC presenters Richard McCourt & Dominic Wood) with a £50K jackpot.

Brig Bother

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Influx of "smart" GS on Aussie TV
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2007, 03:20:54 PM »
No, HotSpell is the Aussie take on the spelling bee, the format is only the same as the UK show 'Hard Spell' in so much as "some kids spell some words", from what I can gather.


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Influx of "smart" GS on Aussie TV
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2007, 08:02:55 PM »
[quote name=\'uncamark\' post=\'161886\' date=\'Aug 24 2007, 11:57 AM\']
And has SBS (which is government-owned, but commercial) ever done a game show before?

SBS certainly has - it has been broadcasting the highly successful rock quiz "RocKwiz" for the past three years. Like all quiz shows on the government-owned networks however - prizes are meagre or non-existent. "HotSpell" is only offering a trophy to the ultimate national winner, and "RocKwiz" has no prize at all. The pleasure for the contestants on these shows is showing off their knowledge (of spelling and rock trivia respectively).

I watched HotSpell last night - pretty much a glorified spelling bee (with a few flashing lights and sound effects) - not the most overly exciting format I've ever seen.
Chris Powney

Australian Game Show Home Page


Chelsea Thrasher

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Influx of "smart" GS on Aussie TV
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2007, 09:35:23 PM »
[quote name=\'pownster\' post=\'161923\' date=\'Aug 24 2007, 07:02 PM\']
pretty much a glorified spelling bee (with a few flashing lights and sound effects) [/quote]

The Thou$and Dollar Bee
Oh wait, you said glorified.