[quote name=\'Jason Smith\' post=\'162454\' date=\'Aug 31 2007, 05:46 AM\']
I filmed two pilots over the previous weekend using the same questions. The contestants enjoyed it and the judges seemed to enjoy picking on people too. Some people excelled at it, some didn't. But, as short as the show is, it didn't seem to affect anything. As for how much fun it is to watch, that remains to be seen. The raw footage needs editing to energize the slower moments. [/quote] Good on you for doing the focus testing.

I'm still looking for the quick "thesis defense" lightning round type game. We're kicking around a segment called "Major disappointment" or "Enlightenment round" That will have you do a hands on activity within the category (Major in BS) that you chose. For example, in engineering you would be given a spoon, cardboard tube, and various other items then asked to make a trebuchet and describe its structure/function. Judges award as before.
I can't believe I didn't remember this before, but if you were to steal the questioning format from
Whew!, then you're 9/10ths of the way there. This time, the contestant has to correct the B.S., instead of creating it.