[quote name=\'PYLdude\' post=\'163464\' date=\'Sep 11 2007, 10:49 PM\']
I counter that with this: the content of the email Zach sent me from a couple years back.
Subject: Zach won't get banned from the board.

Body: Just like Brian Henke won't.
You guys eventually banned Horan. That's all I'm saying.
You just countered your own attempt to counter; IMO the smiley is evidence of Zach's pride in being a jerk. In everything Brian's said both publicly and privately, I've never seen any evidence that Brian realizes he's doing anything wrong. As with Joe Mello, it doesn't mean he
isn't wrong, but that and the wide gap in posting frequency (more than a year after Zach's ban, he's still more than
five thousand posts ahead of Brian) are differences nonetheless. In all honesty, if Brian posted more often or showed some sign of setting out to cause trouble, we'd be more likely to consider a ban. He does neither, so permamod is more appropriate.
Moreover, Zach Horan's opinion on who's going to be banned deserves exactly the same weight as John Chartier's opinion on how to run a board, Harvey Daye's opinion on what constitutes a murderous totalitarian regime, or my opinion on what makes one professional wrestler better than another. Which is to say, none whatsoever. :-)