[quote name=\'mcsittel\' post=\'164541\' date=\'Sep 21 2007, 11:02 PM\']
I'd watch just to see Howie parle francais... assuming he does?
Have no idea. Never seen Howie in any type of show whether hosted or only as a guest other than english.
[quote name=\'mcsittel\' post=\'164541\' date=\'Sep 21 2007, 11:02 PM\']
For our friends up north, are all Canadian schoolkids required to take French at some point?
/ They never talked about it on Degrassi Junior High...
// Did they ever have poutine on the lunch menu?
Since I'm from Ontario, english and french are the 2 main languages with english being the stronger of the two Ontario-wide (some exceptions do apply with pockets of french in the northern sections). French schools are required provide an english class whereas english schools are provided to provide a french class.
For english-speaking schools, the french class is required throughout every grade in elementary school up until the first year of high school. After the first year of high school, I believe it then becomes optional. And yeah, poutine is available on the menu. Just remember not to choke on the cheese