Having been there myself, too, thanks to my friend Robert winning tickets for the final two shows off the Watchers Club, I can agree with everything said to this point. But at the same time, when you have celebrities playing along, you're dealing with twice as many introductions, which cuts into the game time. Doesn't take away from the fun at all, though. (And watching the Wednesday show from the lobby, it was still exciting.)
By the way, it's probably been said here countless times, but I made it official for myself, at least. After the tapings, I asked one of the production staff about our constant question over the wheel's lack of evolution between rounds. The answer was what most of us have said: saves time during tapings (while still allowing the things being added to be worth money). A shame, really, but if it works for them, what can you do.
And I tell ya, it's weird to look at them take the $400 wedge off in Round 3 and literally plug in the Big Money wedge. I'd have rather the other $400 was used instead to spread out the Bankrput and Lose A Turn possibilities, but eh... you know the rest.