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Author Topic: Four old pilots I've never heard of.  (Read 4311 times)


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Four old pilots I've never heard of.
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2007, 02:15:53 AM »
[quote name=\'Craig Karlberg\' post=\'164988\' date=\'Sep 28 2007, 04:07 AM\']
Seeing those pictures of Celebrity Dominoes & Headline Hunters brought back memories of my time in upstate New York where I watch mostly what was on CJOH-TV channel 8 from Ottawa Ontario, Canada.  I always wanted to see Headline Hunters every Tuesday night at 7:30 PM no matter what I might've been doing before that.  The thing I always remember about that show was the last main-game set of headlines know as "The Deadline".  They started at 500 points & decreased for each non-guess of the subject's identity.  The bonus gane was a 60-second "Quickie" round that almost led me to think of the Speed Round of $ale of the Century except one player played for a mere $10 per quickie identity.

As for Dominoes, every time a domino was "captured", that celebrity then had either another one or a blank one.  Blank ones cause a player to lose control as well as a non-matching domino.  As for earning picks, it's basically a scrambled word a celebrity leaves out.  To cue the players, s/he played some silly sound effects to start the unscrambling portion.  I didn't care much for that show anyways back in 1975.

I remember watching both of those shows, too.  I think I can help more with the rules to both these shows.

For Celebrity Dominoes, a player had to pick a celebrity that had a double to start the game.  The players heard a story from that celebrity, then they saw a scrambled word related to that story.  The first player to ring in and solve it scored 10 points per domino spot.  The successful player then had to pick a celebrity that had a domino that had one of the numbers in the previous domino, then the process would continue.  (The final domino in the game was worth double the points.)  The high scorer at the end of the game would go on to the bonus round, where they had to answer seven questions from celebrity-provided clues in 60 seconds.

As for Headline Hunters, the scoring went like this, for each clue given:

First item:  100, 50, 40, 30, 20
Second item:  200, 100, 50, 40, 30
Third item:  300, 200, 100, 50, 40
Fourth item:  400, 300, 200, 100, 50

After the fourth item was finished, a new round started with the first item clue values.  Correct answers gained points, while incorrect answers lost points, although the score never went below zero, "so you could always make a comeback,"  according to Jim Perry.  The "headlines" for the fourth item in the third cycle were read by that show's celebrity guest(s), who would be interviewed by Perry after the answer was given.  The final item of the regular game was the "Deadline for the Headlines" set, with clues worth 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100 points.  Whoever led after this set won the game and went on to the "Rapid Round", where that person could answer as many items that they could in 60 seconds, for $10(Canadian) per correct answer.